dr. robert cartwright, an expert in his field, joining us out of atlanta. dr. cartwright, these polygraphs, lie detectors, they're based on a physical reaction. how does it work medically? >> well, certainly, when you have stress, which would indicate perhaps deception, it creates changes in your physical makeup. your heart rate can change, blood pressure can change. your ekg in terms of your heart waves can change. so that's really what they're looking for. >> and dr. cartwright, there's no real way that i know of that you can control those involuntary bodily reactions. >> not certainly for an average person, somebody in misty croslin's position, i don't think that would be possible. now, apparently, there are people in, you know, cia, fbi, those types of people, that have been trained to break those. but for routine people, no. >> of course i guess you could dope yourself up on sedatives so you'd be so zonked out you'd just be flat. but i would be afraid i would screw up the answers if i had taken some kind of medication. would that work? >> well, certainly, t