dr. ciani: but according to phyllis. [laughter] here's a quote. out of all the people who lived, the american moment that's women is the most privileged. we have the most rights and rewards, and the fewest duties. [laughter] she still believes that. she is still on the radio, have you heard her lately? page: but when we spoke earlier today, we were talking about the fact that that comes from a distinct place of privilege. it is only because of her privileged place. one of the things we have intimated that have not been clear about -- dr. ciani: one of the things we have intimated, but have not been cleared out, is that the equal rights amendment in 1923, 1964, and 1972, and when it died in 1982, was primarily a movement of white and middle-class women, both on the pro and against sides. it was a movement that was really generated by women who had resources available to them, and resources of time, resources of money, resources also of being connected to other politicians, whether that be local,