dr. claiborne carlson. (applause) >> good morning, everyone. actually, it's afternoon now. i feel, first of all, honored to be here and thanks so much to all of you. this is a special event for me to be included in it is really an honor. even though i must say i feel a bit of pressure now that i know that if i speak too long i'll be holding up a wedding. [laughter] >> so, but let me just start by saying -- recognizing the significance of this day. one of the things that hasn't been mentioned, which really should be mentioned, is that february 1st is the anniversary of the first student sit-in in 1960. some of you know that fourteen agers in greensboro, north carolina in their first year of college launched a wave of sit-ins. and the fact that these were teenagers calls attention to the unique contribution of young people to the struggle. i believe that -- (applause) >> we should particularly bring that to mind when we honor martin luther king, because one of the things that i try to stress, even though i've devoted decades of my life to the study of martin luther king, we w