dr. clinger say, they need all the support that they can have from both the city, state, and county government. need to support those officers in the work that they're doing. as long as they're being constitutional and they're acting under the color of law and they're doing the job the way that it was trained, we've got to go in, we've got to make those arrests, we've got to get those agitators out of there before more people get hurt and more property is damaged. because this is not what we want to see happen. this is far from just people exercising their first amendment right to speech. this is violent acts. that is just not acceptable by that community or anyone else. >> yeah, >> david, in a situation like this, you have plenty of people who are legitimate protesters, who have legitimate grievances and want to have their voices heard. you also have people who are there to agitate, to get a response. to provoke something. >> absolutely. and hopefully charlotte has been working with their intel units and maybe the county intel unit, stale intel units, so on and so forth, in terms of figuring