dr. coffman that was submitted in 2013 and a five-year plan that was approved for the department of education in all of the years that he has worked with sfusd he believes that this year, the strategic plan and the lea plan are in alignment and there is an ongoing, sort of disconnect, right? between those two. and he really says, we have come together in three emerging themes, co-here ans, collaboration and capacity building, and he says that the report reflects a radical shift in how we operate and so that is something to be noted as we have operated in siloand now we are sort of moving as he termed one whole cloth, and which is nice. lastly, we had the information of jrtc. and i am going to take the blame for not really being very specific. with the mr. san der son about what we needed to see coming forward and what we did get all and of the commissioners did get was a binder of the curriculum which is one component which is to see what is the current curriculum being used by the instruct ors, but what was requested and i missed this. and president fewer, was really able to articulate it. a