dr. coleman cautions against. too many patients who ve gender dyspria, or discomfort with tir own gender, have aot of other problems that may be related to their gender dysphoria or not, and one of theroblems is th they start developing an obsessive thought that somehow this gender change is going to magically solve a lot of their problems in their life. and it's a rude awakening when they complete surgery and discover that there are still a lot of problems for them. so in ouapproach here in our clinic, we like them to resolve a lot of their psychological problems and issues before reassignment, and then we have much more confidence that they are going to be successful in their reassigned role afterwards. brad has been a man gfor less than a year. he still will confront many issues, but this major issue-- whether he imale or female-- has been resolved. i feel now like i'm one person, whereas before, i always felt like i was kind of a real confusing mixture of two dferent people. not only two different people-- whe