he was known as dr. coult.and he would get people high with laughing gas and make fools in front of audiences. his travels up and down the coast brought him in contact with john pearson in baltimore to engage him to work up with the prototypes with the earliest of the colts. from the earliest day sam was trying to get military contracts. they tend to be ready lucrative in large numbers. at the time, he was competing against the well-established pistols of the united states army. this was the model of 1836. this was adopted body armor from these troops. dragoons, calvary. these would be in big leather holsters. issuing two per soldier. in sammy's mind, if he could provide a multi-firearm with six shots, once he could perfect that, he could make these obsolete. john pearson worked up three-dimensional prototypes based on his watercolor drawings. a handful of his prototypes they have actual examples and working models of handguns and up the long arms as well. he was able to convince relatives who are wealthy and c