dr. danvich on this.fact, help if it were regulated and if cash were not being handed out, if it was more of an in kind benefit? >> i think that would be a big mistake. the people who donate for a financial incentive, whether it's cash or noncash are always going to be people who are vulnerable. what we need tooed is promote voluntarily donation. and although we have seen a terrible story today about bad apples, there is actually a lot of good news. in the last ten years in this country, there have been 15,000 voluntary living donations, and the outcome for those donors has been excellent, both from the medical point of view and the psychological point of view. we need to promote voluntary donation. and there's good news around the world. by the way, in this country, the national kidney foundation is helping promote donation internationally. 80 countries and organizations have gotten together in the istanbul organization. in china there are improvements. >> as you mentioned in the u.s., you mentioned some