dr. david blumenthal, your report says 31 million people are uninsured because of deductibles. >> you'reinsured if you spend more than 10% of your income excluding premiums on your healthcare and you're insured, or if your deductible exceeds 5% of your income. now, if you are poor, that is if you have an income of less than 200% of the federal poverty level, we define underinsurance as spending more than 5% of your income on out of pocket expenditures. >> are these out of pocket expenditures, the deductibles, are they a tradeoff for getting premiums lower? >> one reason premiums can be kept lower is by asking people who are insured more. >> brown:. half the people underinsured report they have trouble paying medical bills or getting less care than they need. >> ifill: what's the connection to the affordable care act? some would say this is one of the problems affordable care act was supposed to solve. >> we have been tracking this since 2003. most of the increase we have observed in underinsurance occurred before the affordable care act became law betweeno thee and 2010. >> ifill: so the