dr. david carling is a missionary to nigh year ya. he says plateau state is a key battleground. >> it is in the way of this jihadic dere. they are unleashing everythin and it is linked with outside agencies and forces. >> he first came to nigeria in 1958 serving as a medical missionary. he said nigeria is crucial to their plans to spread islam throughout africa. >> everything is unleashed in a his orrendous way in nigh "what's his legacy to the nigeria. >> no one has been tried or prosecuted in all the years of the crisis. there has to be a point where we say enough is sufficient. we are not going to have this anymore. there must be consequences for taking the lives of pele. >> what should christians around the worldo? >> we can pray, support, understand. obviously there is a huge response needed financial. that is something else the lord needs to lay on people hearts. >> mark liptoe agrees, he says it is to bring forgivess. >> our aim is to enablthe christians in nigeria to learn to say we are forgivg the perpetrators. if we don't do