dr. david eagleman is author of the new book "incognito" the secret lives of the brain." great title. >> thanks. essentially that's what's going on. so much hidden machinery under the hood there, and it started to fascinate me to realize how much goes on that we have no awareness of. >> is this something you can study? when you think about subconscious level decision making, how do you start even thinking about that? >> well, here's the simplest example. when you move your arm or something it feels like it's effortless. you and i know there's a whole light ning storm of neural activity that underpins that. and if it weren't for the fact that we were a neuroscience, we wouldn't even suspect the existence of cells and muscles and electrical signals, right? wouldn't even suspect the existence of cells and muscles and electrical signals. right? well, turns out that everything in our lives is like that. there are lots of examples of this. for example, i was impressed by a study i saw many years ago when i first got into neuro science, men were asked to rate the attractiveness