dr. derek kirk. how do we know that every agency has a slip inside that box? ~ kerr >> because they're going to be read off by the member of the public who helps us to draw them. >>> i see he. >> any other public comment? okay. so, [speaker not understood] from our staff is going to administer this. can we have a volunteer? ~ from the public? anyone? dr. kerr? no? >>> [speaker not understood]. >> all you need to do is read off the names, put them in the box, read the names, pull them, put them in the box, and draw one out. >>> [speaker not understood]. >> can you pull the microphone so that we can hear you? >>> let's begin with activity level 1. what we'll do is we have these pieces of paper here ~. you'll be reading the names off of these pieces of paper. i can read them for you or you can read them and then you can check them off. >>> you read them and i'll check them off. >> and then what i'll do is i'll hand it to you so you can confirm what i read is correct and you can find it up and put it in the box. all right. so, the first one is sierra club san fran