maybe, peter, if you could address this or dr. desai or dr. robinson, whoever has looked into this, but can you tell us about what happens when -- peter talked about fortune 500 companies over the last 15 years. you've seen a one-third reduction in u.s. companies. what happens? what is the impact on jobs when you see u.s. companies being acquired by a foreign company? >> yeah, i have not actually studied that issue. it could go either way. if the foreign company is a better managed company, bring in new technology, it could increase jobs. on the other hand, it could go the other way. i don't know what the actual experience has been. >> dr. desai? >> i think you're right to put this in the context of a broader market for corporate control, which is really the issue with foreign acquisitions. i think the issue with foreign acquisitions is particularly with respect to high value added headquarter jobs, those may well get relocated when it becomes foreign owned. that is something that we have seen at least anecdotally. we also know that headquarte