dr. diedel, dr. barnes, michael lions, and lydia montono. each has 3 minutes, please. >> good afternoon. i'm karen diedel, primary care physician at 899 valencia. i speak spanish. i would not say that the transition from the st. luke's diabetes center -- >> could you speak a little louder into -- or maybe raise the micro phone up, so everybody can hear you in the room? thank you. >> good afternoon. i'm karen diedel. i'm a primary care physician at 899 valencia. i speak spanish. i do not think the transition in the st. luke's diabetes center has gone well. previously the st. luke wes diabetes had 3.6 full-time positions between nurses and nutritionists. now there's a 1.4 f.t.e. there. that's more than a 50% reduction. before there was .1 f.t.e. medical social worker. that bit of time now is at the cal campus. i knew nothing about any transportation for patients to get to cal campus the diabetic r.n. mainly sees pregnant patients. all other diabetic patients, nonpregnant patients, to see a diabetic r.n. have to go all the way to the cal campus