dr. eleanor demato and the university of north carolina charlotte professor gregory stairit reviewed thed assured the isa's director general, quote: these 12 books do not contain inflammatory material nor do they encourage students to exhibit intolerance for violence against others. we translated portions of the same textbooks with an arab linguist and discovered otherwise, the aforementioned infidel nations ought to be tortured, quote, allah, may he be exalted, vowed to prepare a flaming fire that will roast those who disbelieved and burn their skin until they lose senses and feelings. this passage covers marriage: when one parts is unable to give consents such as a person with mental illness, a boy and the under age girl, a father or the guardian is permitted to give them into marriage. >> they have not changed the message of the textbooks. they have expunged parts of the curriculum to avoid reporting by fox news and other leading news organizations. >> we still wanted to talk to the professors. >> i'm from fox news. i'd like to ask you to talk on camera. >> this is just... unconsciona