the list of reforming that dr. emert has bakley said these are his proposals, and i think it goes right to what we're, the full and actual cost, taking the lead in areas of health and safety, addressing the sexual assault issue which goes across all aspects of athletics, but also college experience. it's not limited to just one. medical insurance, dealing with those questions, academic priorities. we've talked about the time issue, support for title ix. it's been regardable what's happening under title ix in terms of the women able to participate in athletics, gain scholarships. many of those may not have had a chance for scholarship help and support. the vast majority of schools, whether division ii or division iii, not in the top 65, that offer all these opportunities, it's something we want to preserve. it's something we want to improve. i think we have a president of the ncaa who is a reformer, known as that. that's why he was hired. he's taken steps already, and willing to take significant steps forward. o