i saw dr. evan, i saw one of their nurses. that person saying well, i can't believe it. you were the least likely to succeed guy. you were the worst-off person. you are the person with the worst addiction i know and now you are telling me you are not using? that's tremendous in building hope and that's what we need to do as we address the problems that we see. so i'm going to introduce chris, one of our initial low barrier buprenorp hine patients. someone who will tell you about his experience. so thank you. [applause] >> good morning. my name is christopher rafino and to piggy back on what dr. svens said, one rainy morning, as i got out of jail, and i contacted dr. sven, via the mail and telephone and to other people, i did not want to use anymore. i had tried many, many attempts unsuccessfully of shaking my addiction to heroine of 28 years. nothing worked. i tried everything. residential programs, everything. well, dr. sven met me out in the rain with my bicycle in hand and the clothes on my back and spoke to me for 25, maybe 30 minutes. he said look, i'm going to do t