dr. fawcett notes, antidepressants increase the level of certain neurotransmitters. there are two kinds of medications that accomplish this-- the tricyclics and the mao inhibitors. for a long-term mood disorder in which biology is a major causal component, such medications can often work wonders. the problem is they don't work for everyone who takes them. the dosage must be watched carefully. there can be dangerous physical and psychological side effects. any medication you may take will have side effects. the importan of the side effects has to be asured against the benefits of the medication, and the cooperation and motivation the patient is extreme important. i depend on too much of it at fir. i though "i'll never be sad again. i'll never havtoorry again."but. medication can on do so much. you have to start to make ur own recovery onk through the road, and yoha to go, and yohave to mend every brge that you've bron. for some people, medication ienough, and some get better without any treatment at all. many others need and can benefit from psychotherapy with or with