dr. fogarty is involved in. >> right. look, i've used him.n times when i've been traveling. >> right. >> so, i can't see my normal doctor and i'm sitting here saying, man, i'm sick or there's something wrong. and so, you know, i have gone to the yellow pages and sought these facilities out, so it's very interesting because they are located in strip centers in different parts of various cities. a lot of them are 24-hour centers, and so if you're sick, it's 2:00 in the morning, you obviously can't call your doctor. you go there. so what i'm looking at, sure, we can fight and talk about lawsuits and stuff along those lines, but the question is what are going to beat economic benefits? when you have 32 million who are now going to be insured -- >> yeah. >> -- you have to service those people, so the question is how do you fill those roles? >> yeah. >> i certainly expect community colleges who train most of our nurpss s to nurses to see expansion because you go where the jobs will be. >> there appear to be in many parts of the country shortages of