dr. forman borelock. oral rehydration solution which since then has saved 11 million children because of it basically took the power to save a life out of the hands of a doctor and put it in the hands of a mother and it turns out that's a much more effective way to save children's lives. we believe we're on the cusp of an era of a whole new range of technological, scientific breakthroughs and innovations that will do it again. whether it's orange flesh, sweet potatoes that help kids avoid river blindness because us has more vitamin a or new seeds that yoois appropriate technology and have more yield and resistance to climate shock. or things that come straight out of u.s. universities. one of my favorite examples a cpap device, a continue positive airway pressure device that would normally cost thousands of dollars. a group of students at rice university invented one that cost $160. that will save countless kids lives in the first 48 hours after birth in very difficult environments around the world. with