dr. foster.' 'he's going to bring you here to me. ' [dr. foster laughing] 'hello, there.' welcome to our valhalla beneath the sea. well, that's what we like, ain't it, honey? a happy man. [laughs] this way, please. alright, laugh it up and keep on your toes i'm gonna jump our fat friend as soon as i get a chance. oh, hey, ain't this where that ross fella caught it, doc? here? oh, yes, so it is, mr. muller. a terrible thing to happen to the old boy. listen, if it's not too painful reminiscing for you what really happened to-- that, we never really know. but if you ask me ross was doing routine maintenance on the hydro-system. hydro-system? crystallized hydro gas. maintains a counter-pressure against the ocean floor all around us. he hydro pipe by accident. oh, naturally, of course. it's in the same class as tnt. 'why, 30 seconds with the valve open' 'it probably built up enough pressure' to shatter, blowing out the ocean wall. [laughs] 'don't, mr. muller.' 'you're under constant observation. don't be a fool.' 'and stay alert, dr. foster. please.' yes, sir. [sighs] come in,