dr. friedberg, 30 seconds. >> you get the next question. and it deals with foreign direct investment.fbi and the united states as to have potential for creating and expanding american jobs. what role would he see for chinese direct foreign investment, especially in the energy and technology tours. this governor romney think to oversee archer restrictive, not restrict if enough are just right? >> first, i think governor romney holds the view that the united states should welcome foreign direct investment, including from china, especially in sectors that create jobs in the united states. we certainly should be open to investment. receipt to invest around the world and we welcome investment in the united states. but we do need to recognize that some sectors and some investors are different than others and we have procedures in place and have had for some time, for reviewing proposed foreign investments that could pose threats to national security, foreign investment in the united states and governor romney supports the cps process. china, it should be noted poses some special challenges