dr. fukuyama talked about a for more education adco a step further and say think way to recognize there'setty certain trading of our distant of how we inculcate, train and pass on these things are actually true about our democratic way of life and what we need in order to be successful. we need more than engineers in hard sciences to believe in truth. we need people and humanities and in the social sciences who do. buildings and bridges can fall down if you don't take truth claim seriously. if a school of engineering thought came about you wouldn't trust the buildings and the bridges but civilizations and societies can collapse, too. both of these areas require an understanding of what is true and what is good about them. this probably means take a back primary these fundamental tasks as well. it's been a generation since alan bloom wrote the closing of the american mind of the students that were on campus when he was writing are now running things including her schools. perhaps there's an opportunity for partners to do this at household level, to what what families for the basic concepts