but i want to bring dr. gabor mate into this conversation.is joining us from vancouver to canada. you have written and spoken extensively about this. one of your books, "scattered: how attention deficit disorder originates and what you can do about it." you talk about the drugging of america's children. 's article isrz significant because i think it points to a major dynamic in american medicine am a which is there's a psychiatrist for a child pediatrician, and dr. diller says the pharmaceutical companies, referring to their success in inducing doctors to prescribe indications, says an epidemic to take hold amid there has to be a susceptible host. in this case, the medical perception. and then dr. diller says, they must know something about us that they can ask late. and with a pharmaceutical company still about the medical doctors is that we are in the grips of this ideology that reduces everything to brain biology and everything to genetics. so that it is not just a question of adhd, but a question of millions of kids the non- medications o