dr. geithner that is responsible for all of this.ms that what he and president of new york fed and other did, the best solution to that otherwise would have been the collapse of the banking sector. but that can't be the only aren't -- yardstick measuring the success. what we did as a nation was a giveaway to the banks and auto makers to much, far too much money in bailouts, support, and in fact, we are still doing it. many on wall street will tell you privately the market's rally. based on the federal reserve easing money policy which is a strategy that geithner is fully behind. when it comes to the troubled assets relief program their fond of saying the government made money. banks and financial institutions still a $146 billion in t.a.r.p. funds including the government's ongoing stakes in companies like fannie and freddie, allied financial, general motors, chrysler. the list goes on. as well as more than 4 billion treasury had written off in real life losses of nearly 10 billion. taxpayers, well, we will never get that back. if th