dr. gilmore, you have a very important job. you're the director of operation, test and evaluation at dod. and you've talked about the plane today. modeling and simulation are very important as far as not just planes, but anything else that comes along. but is there any real substitute once you pass that for testing? and evaluation? why don't you get into that. >> senator, we use modeling and simulation in numerous operational testing activities because we have no choice. in the particular case of joint strike fighter, we are -- it's currently under development. it's an analog to what is currently called the air combat simulator down in marietta, and it is being used for all the follow-on development that's being done to improve the capabilities of the f-22 where you have a full-up effects base simulation of the aircraft, and you can take operational pilots into the simulator and have them fly the aircraft as realistically as you can in a simulator. we're going to be doing the same thing with the joint strike fighter. however, t