dr. goodman: mr. sanford. what a surprise! yeah. like pearl harbor. look, dr. goodman, audrey, why don't you go have a little drink and mingle? all right. yeah, doc. come on. let's mingle. uh, i have more mingling to do than anybody else. y'all come on in the kitchen, and let's mingle. uh, go right ahead there. i--i'll be back in a minute. listen, doc. a joke? yeah, a joke. and, see, they think that i only got 6 months to live. ha ha ha! yes, 6 months to live, though. what kind of a joke is that? black people have a funny sense of humor. mr. sanford, i'm black. then get to laughin'. mr. sanford, just exactly what do you want me to do? well, doc, here's what i want you to do. if anybody asks you if i'm healthy, and don't tell 'em how long i got. just tell 'em-- just say i got about 6 months left. well, i don't know. don't you think that's a little heavy to lay on your friends? it's just till tomorrow night. well, uh, all right. but to make this thing really work, you've got to remember that i'm your doctor, and you'll have to do exactly as i say, all right? all r