dr. greenspan, always good to see you.rning >> good morning. >> we want to cover so many things bitcoin, powell, balance sheet runoff, entitlements, debt but let's start with the tax bill since it's in the news and we're watching it go through conference what's been your overall characterization of what it appears intended to do >> end of what >> as the tax bill, as it appears right now, and there's a lot of questions about what's going to happen in conference, but how will it impact growth, equities, the economy? >> no, i was mishearing you, and i couldn't believe it, but i got it look, this particular period, as alan simpson and his colleague wrote in "the washington post" recently, this is a terrible fiscal situation we got ourselves into the administration is doing a tax cut and a spending decrease but he's doing them in the wrong order. what we need right now is a focus wholly on reducing the debt even the debt increase right now, we're in a stage, if nothing is changed, we're about to go from stagnation to stagflatio