dr. guth holdings a bachelor of science from the universe of wisconsin and a ph.d. from harvard university. and then in our center left, we have dr. tom mach, who joins our forum tonight from cedarville university, where he is the assistant vice president for academics, a professor of history, and the director of cedarville's honors program. he teaches courses in united states history and world view integration. his research area is 19th century america, especially the political history of the american civil war in the gilded age. he was selected to attend the american history seminar on the gilded age, sponsored by the gilder layerman institute of american history and the counsel of independent college, hosted by stanford university. his research also includes the role also of ohio and its politicians during the 19th century. dr. mach holdings a b.a. from cedarville university. an m.a. from cleveland state university and a ph.d. from the university of akron. and then finally, center right, is kellen funk. he's a ph.d. candidate in american history and the porter ogd