basir bita is a mentor with afghan youth peace volunteers and dr. hakim is a medical dr.ho has provided humanitarian relief in afghanistan for over a decade, working for afghan peace volunteers. we welcome you all to democracy now! i am sorry we cannot see your face list of in fact, dr. hakim, we have had you on an profile before. talk about what you don't want your face to be seen. >> there are security concerns here. amy, thank you for having us on the show. my worries are really the worries shared by the association of federation of atomic scientists who for the year 2017 decided to turn the doomsday clock from four minutes to midnight to 3.5 minutes to midnight, precisely because .rump became the president the policies, including this dropping of the bomb over afghanistan, that caused me and others great concern about the safety not only of all of us on the planet, but of the earth as well. amy: can you talk about the effects of the bomb that was just dropped? what is called -- by the u.s. military, the mother of all bombs with this milewide radius? now, the pentagon