dr. hamer: there's a famous quote from oliver wendell holmes, which is that if you want to live a long life, the best thing to do... is go out and advertise for some long-lived parents. the reason for that, of course, is that aging and dying, like many aspects of our health, are at least partly controlled by our genes. people that have long-lived parents are more likely to live a long life. narrator: but genes are not always destiny. studies show that many of the physiological changes that occur later in life can be avoided, or slowed down by choosing a healthy lifestyle long before the physiological changes that occur later in life become apparent. things that help people age successfully are things that our moms probably taught us: eat right, exercise, stay involved and active. people who age well really do seem to be folks who have maintained a lot of physical and cognitive kinds of activity. the fact is, many seniors do not eat adequately, for reasons not necessarily related to their physic