but dr. hamry who was deputy secretary of defense in the clinton administration and is a true defense intellectual, he is respected by people on both sides and all sides of foreign policy issues. we were having coffee with andrew schwartz who was with me on this book, he is the chief of communications at csis and we were just talking about journalism and where it is today. and with all of this fake news, with all of the questions about what can you believe and all of that, dr. hamry said this is a national security issue. and so andrew and i started this series of podcasts where we just started calling up people in all parts of journalism, the editor of "the washington post," reporters for "politico," we did 44 podcasts starting in the summer of 2016ment and we gt about, i would say into about ten of them and we thought you know, this might make-- might make the usual washington report that think tanks put out. and then the more we thought about it, i said you know, if i'm going to do something lik