dr. james hansen, welcome back to democracy now. come to estimates this catastrophe, historic, apocalyptic, these are all words that can be used to describe climate change, climate chaos, but those links are not being made. can we make those links? dr. hansen: yes, they are very clear links and we mentioned three of them. one is sea level. sea level was stable for the last thousand years but with the beginning of changes in atmospheric composition caused by burning fossil fuels mainly, the planet is getting warmer and sea level has begun to go up because the ocean is getting warmer and because ice is melting. on a global average it has gone up about 20 centimeters, about eight inches, however it is not the same every place. along the east coast and the gulf coast it is larger than the global average, a good foot. that is this significant contribution to the magnitude of the storm surges that drive the water onto houston and the other regions. that is one thing. another is the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is increasing bec