dr. dana hardin come to work together. dr. rdin is leading a study at eli-lilly to figure out what's inside a dog's nose that detects low sugar in people with type one diabetes. he does look like a pete doesn't he? she hopes what's learned here from pete will save lives across the county. we are hoping at ican with our partnership here with lilly to standardize how dogs are trained for hypoglycemia alterts so it can reproduced by other programs. low blood sugar attacks can cause a person to suddenly pass out. it can mean a trip to the hospital -- even death. dogs like pete are trained to detect changes in a person's body chemistry to avoid big problems. he is going to start soft right if he does not get my attention he is going to start raising his head and bumping me and if he does not get my attention he is going to crawl up on my lap and if that doesnt work he is gone to get someone else to help me out. dr. hardin hopes that in a year's time, the mystery of how pete's nose knows so much can be solved. -----end----- cnn.scrip