dr. helen noel. it's a pleasure to finally meet you, sir. thank you. thank you, captain. welcome to devil's island, doctor. perhaps you'll call me helen, doctor. with so many titles around, thank you. i believe regulations call for me to check my weapon. oh, no, that won't be necessary in your case, captain. just keep it out of sight. i know you people feel as naked without a weapon as we do without a medikit. [both laugh] a small toast. do you mind? it's such a great day for us here on tantalus when we have visitors, no matter what the excuse. doctor... oh, now, captain, you made your apology from upstairs. now forget it. to get through the security screen, captain. just a second. there. now try it. kirk to enterprise. come in. enterprise. spock here. your landing coordinates were right on the nose, mr. spock. we arrived safely, and we're here with dr. adams right now. kirk out. affirmative, captain. enterprise out. ah, lethe... come in. lethe... this is captain kirk lethe came to us for rehabilitation and stayed on as a therapist, and a very good one, too, i might add. i