. >> dr. hiks, you had a question? >> oh, i asked president mazzucco and members of the commission, i only hope that you can reserve some time for attorney marion to talk about her progress with these three department generals. i understand that there is no discussion this evening, this evening is a time line from the department, but miss marion would also like to make a few comments because, in fact, for example, the proposed changes for use of force reporting didn't just appear a couple of days ago in an e-mail before the police department. it has been with them for some time period of time and so i would like for her to have an opportunity to speak about it. >> it is related to it, that is fine. >> and i apologize, i didn't mean to infer that it is the first time that occ has contacted us was three years ago. there was suggested language for the change that we received a few days ago. that was the only thing that i was saying and i apologize if it came out differently. any other questions on 5.01 in >> no. >> mr. ch