this summer dr. hu told brian it's time to come back. brian is one of the first people in the world to receive this. it's called till with den dritic sells. dr. hu takes cells called t-cells. t-cells can attack cancer. dr. wu nurture those cells, then grows other cells, cell which acts as a vaccine. it helps t-cells in breen's body. he'll infuse those cells into brian. in effect it's an anti-cancer smart bomb. >> you've had other patients gou three this. it's brand new. how have some of those patients done? >> well, our response rate is between 40% to 50% which is very high for metastatic advanced melanoma. some have done very well. over two to three years without any sign of disease. >> remember, most of these patients would ore wise die in eight months. if it keeps going well, dr. hwu hopes to keep doing it. >> if we do this right hopefully dying of cancer will be related to patients dying of pneumonia. but if someone dies from pneumonia, people say, hey, that's unusual. to get there, someone has to pave the way. now they've been getti