frederick douglas, langston hughes, ralph abernathy, thurgood marshall, and yes, dr.artin luther king jr. -- these men were many things to many people and they knew full well the role racism played in their lives. but when it came to their own accomplishments and sense of purpose, they had no time for excuses. every one of you have a grandma or uncle or parent who has told you that at some point in life as an african-american, you have to work twice as hard as anyone else if you want to get by. i think president mays put it even better. he said "whatever you do, try to do it so well that no man living in no man dead and no man yet to be born can do it any better. [applause] --romise you what was made what was needed in dr. mays time, the work, dedication and no excuses is needed now more than ever. getou think you can just over in this economy because you have a morehouse agree, you are in for a rude awakening very if you stay hungry, if you keep on your, if you keep grind and get other folks to do the same, nobody can stop you. [applause] i talk about pursuing excell