dr. ivan sutherland was recognized for his role of giving birth to modern computer graphics. we spoke with him about how his ideas originated. >> reporter: computer graphics play essential role in modern life. they're also the key to creating virtual reality. computer simulated environments allow us to experience imaginary scenes or overlay graphics on real world images. even today he continues to focus on the field of visualization. the question of how to see objects that do no exist in the real world. >> i don't know that seeing is essential but it's clear it's a large part of what human beings do, to see and interpret what they see. >> reporter: his realization that to see se to think goes back to his early childhood over 70 years ago. >> how did your parents affect your way of thinking? very much. my mother was really an educator and she told me when i was an infant, we gave me two hard boiled eggs. one of them was warm and the other was co. they looked exactly the same. this was a wonderful experience for a baby because they will very much the same but very different. >>