dr. james deluc. you dropped this interesting concept of many transmissions that have occurred with 14,000 and the viral behavior, i thought you intimated the viral behavior, the transition may have changed. did i misinterpret you? >> my point was we don't know. we don't have any data. we knows this virus has been in human to cumin transmission for a long time, longer than has ever occurred in any previous known outbreak. we know arenaviruses adapt to their posts, the scientific facts. we don't have detailed observations that would allow us to associate any genetic change that may or may not happen because we don't have current genetic information on the viral systems and we don't have the detailed epidemiological background to put observations in the real world with the molecular analysis of the strain so we just don't know. >> to the next question, i am from the office of science and technology policy and listening to of the comments about specimens and the availability of material to look at these