dr. jill chase joins us now with tucker. a warning for some of the viewers out there, we are going to show some pictures of his skin bumps so in case that makes you feel uncomfortable you can turn away. >> the reason i brought tucker in is because what i do is being a detective. the owner calls, says they see a bump on the animal's skin, i look at the bump and in tucker's case there was a history of the fact that he had had a tick and that maybe it was related to the tick bite, which is certainly on my list. but when they brought it in, it actually could be two types of tumors so we have been watching closely and i brought the photos in so you could see what it looked like in the beginning and then what it looks like today. so it started out looking like this, very innocuous pink bump and no number on it or anything like that -- no fur on it or anything like that, almost like a pimple. now it's gotten smaller and got a scab on the top of it. do you want to look? >> yeah. it looks a little better. >> it's hard to see. but any