. >> dr jim swire lost his daughter area at lockerbie, a day before her 21st birthday. >> from then on the world became a different place and remained so for 25 years since then. because i'm doing what ha already happened, nothing that we can do can undo the terrible evil. >> for some questions over who committed the terrible evil remains. the only man convicted, abdel baset al-megrahi, served eight years in a scottish prison before his controversial 2009 release on compassionate grounds after being diagnosed with terminal cancer. he died in 2012. the american government blamed libyan leader muammar gaddafi. but many believe the libyans were scaip quoted and point to evidence, intelligence gathered that could have evented the attack or as geopolitical expert dr james boys, the lack of punitive action by british or american governments. >> you think about the reaction geopolitically and one is almost left scratching one head saying, "did this plane really get taken out and generate so little response by the british or american government. ?" >> is would not be untille events of the 9/11