dr. johnny parker, men's ministry leader at first baptist church of glen arden. welcome. thanks for coming in on such an important topic. we appreciate it. we know you've been working very intensely on this for month, if not years now. we've seen an increase. talk a little bit about that, if you would. you mentioned the word kind of an explosive increase. >> it has been explosive. we ended 2013 with a 37% decline in homicides over the last three years, but this year alone 17 of our 42 homicides have been domestic in nature which means 40% of the homicides in our county are domestic-related which are phenomenal numbers. we are concerned about it and really just intent on causing a decline in those numbers. >> maybe we can start out with a working definition for our audience first. when we talk about domestic violence, domestic abuse, it can take many forms, not just what we think of initially when it does end in something as horrendous as murder. what else are we talking about when we say domestic abuse? >> certainly the physical element is a piece of that. it's emotional.