. >> dr. jordi, when you made your , you talked about one which was one and 50 and another that was one in 70 and based on the presumption that you could multiply them together that there would be one in 3500. that has within it the assumption that there is no overlap. in that context and in light of the king case, there is concern that with regard to a system completely controlled by the fbi and government and not made generally available for research, that there is a bias within that system that is not evaluated ored or made present. i know that there was an article called what is the fbi afraid of. in that context, is there a need to make the system completely transparent so that every time someone gets arrested their mouth can be swabbed and this database created? >> there are actually two questions there. the first one, regarding the case i presented, part of the evaluation that i asked to present was of the referenced population in which we meet those one in 50, 1 and 70 and so forth. that ref