dr. kadlec or dr. redd. dr. kadlec, in your testimony you write that we have sufficient domestic vaccine manufacturing capacity to produce bulk vaccine for every american within six months but i want to ask either of you about the question of vaccine delivery and this comes from conversations with a manufacturer in connecticut which is one of the bigger syringe manufacturers. my understanding is that if you needed to get vaccine to everybody you'd need about 600 million drug delivery devices. b.d. is one of the biggest but it would take them six years to do 600 million units. what are our thoughts on preparation to make sure we not only have the right amount of vaccine but the right amount of vaccine delivery devices? >> thank you, sir. that is one of the issues in the problems that has to be addressed, quite frankly. i have my direct from barta if he wants to make a comment. part of the strategy we're looking at also is how can we innovate and either have better delivery devices or specifically can we make bette