dr. keith ablo is a fox news contributeder. >> the doomsday scenario is at odds to my mind with religionse in fact it is it relieves people of needing to take the journey toward self. >> it embraces a range of end of time beliefs clearly suggesting that an event will occur on december 21, 2012. how did this phenomenon get started. >> the idea of the doomsday has been around for at least 30, 40 years and it builds as the date approaches. blame it on internet. people used to gather under a big tent and preacher would tell us jesus coming to earth. >> the end attracts our attention. we wanted to try to forecast what is going to happen, forecasting is a big part of the hum condition. >> the maya were a thoughtful civilization but why did they abandon their great cities and appear to vanish from the face of the earth. >> from some mysterious reason, maya civilization collapsed a little more than a thousand years ago. >> you can't give the people they need to live so they abandon the big cities and go to the countryside. >> one of the reasons why they are abandoned so easily once it 'it was to