dr. i'm sorry o body and kenneth will be our first speakers >> well, first of all. >> could you - >> i'm mr. johnson i'm co- owner of the marcus bookstore. we're appreciative of the support we've gained throughout the world. having san francisco city and county support is the optimum to say the least. it gives us a feeling as the caretakers of a legacy business that there is respect there is recognition of the long and hard work that has been accomplished by the dr. julian and ray richardson. again, we're nothing more than caretakers of this legacy business. the intent is to remain at the location since 1981 we want to recatch the building on behalf of the community. the reason i stood up was to say the building belongs to community. i'm 67-year-old i'm a producing product of san francisco city and county as a matter of fact, i spent 35 years working as an employee for the county of public health and rose to a administrative level. we appreciate everyone the commission members, supervisor breed and everyone else who has come to our support important we're not here to beg or ask for salva