dr. krauthammer, so i don't want to -- >> i backed you on fox. >> what a privilege, and i thank you, charles. one of the disturbing think this week is senator mcconnell, who played a useful role, said that the way work is a template for congresses to come. >> what happens when congress returns from its well earned vacation, mark? >> evan's optimism about tax reform -- it is that interest groups, it is and lobbyists. it is money -- it is not interest groups, it is not lobbyists. it is money. money that they put into the political system. we now have an unlimited money in the political system. if you think you are going to get tax reform without in some way it clearing up the money -- >> there was no money in politics in 1986? >> there was a lot less money in politics, and ronald reagan ran at three times president and every time he did, he ran by the limits of individual expenditures and individual contributions. >> obama ran -- >> he ran socialize campaigns, charles, and it worked. >> obama is the one -- >> changed -- >> pledged to live within the limits, and blew them up because he would ge