dr. krugman's appeal to children that don't get adequate footh food.n a country that has a women's nfant program, it has food stamps, a food program to help children eat. despite spending billions of dollars, you may be commenting on the effectiveness of government to reach children, but it is not because the money is not there. larry summers said one thing that i think is amazing that i don't think larry understood what he said. he says, the difference in television vs. price care has changed by a factor of 100. meaning televisions today are 100 times less expensive relative to health care than they were say in 1950 or 1960. he doesn't stop and say, gee, why is it that we're able in the private sector to produce, for example, handheld computers called cell phones at declining cost with rising capability and we can't, in government-controlled areas, get the same kind of break through? i would argue, we are on the edge, if we have the courage to do it, on a breakout of how we think of government. i will give you a specific example. i'm a conservative, s