dr. kurilets is sawing, cutting through the bone of your skull. it's a very noisy -- and you'll feel the pressure of the drill pushing on your head. um, and that is unpleasant, but it's okay. the only part of the head which feels pain is the skin. that is all. thbrain itself does not feel pain. so, in a strange, in a strange way, to remove a brain tor under local anesthetic is not, is no different from going to the dentist. and i really, really think we can do this, and i mean that, from my heart. okay? >> o >> henry: harasho. >> harasho. >> henry: right, we have a plan. >> igor: but, the most... the most important to put the plan into action. >> henry: yes. >> making plans, it's a soviet... [ chuckling ] >> well, soviet national health service. >> but making -- >> national health service is not in the plans. >> so maki plans, it's nothing. >> i've yet to have a catastrophic result here in the ukraine, but... you know... soer or later, things are going to go bad. but nothing ventured, nothing gained, i suppose. and however much you tell patien ts